Juno was a group project with designers Trinity Hamic, Brianna Elwell, and myself. For this project, we were tasked to create a brand and a physical product. My team and I crafted a product we call the “Juno,” along with a branded box, app, physical prototype, website, billboard and banner ads, and other various touchpoints. We also held a branded photo shoot using the prototype of the Juno. The Juno is a period belt designed to relieve pain in women suffering from menstrual cramps. The design of the belt is meant to be thin and subtle, as opposed to bulky and noticeable. By using the Juno, the hope is that the user may keep on living their life with less pain and not let their period slow them down. 

It comes in many colors that match your skin tone, such as Almond, or more bright and fun colors, such as Hot Pink. When a person orders the Juno, it comes in a branded box and a scannable QR code inside, seen to the left, with our brand’s pattern and catchphrase inside the box.

Accompanying the physical product was as app that controlled our product. Through the app, users may connect their Juno with Bluetooth. Users can adjust the heat settings, see the battery life of the Juno, and adjust the pulses that the Juno puts out to help relieve pain. The app also contains a digital calendar to assist users by helping to keep track of their menstrual cycle. It also gives reminders on when to take different medicines at certain times, such as birth control and pain reliever, and gives reminders of encouragement.


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